Amood Gulzar 25 year young potential politician, Young entrepreneur and social activist decided to hold upcoming assembly elections from 14, Gulmarg constituency

                                                       A message from the Desk of  Amood Gulzar

Dear Country people it is great to know that young, educated and dynamic people are ready to take the pains of the state and enthusiastic to work on solutions. Our grand vision and mission should be to move our state’s socio economic agenda forward through delivering a strong, prosperous economy and a secure modern state. Education and entrepreneurship are two critical pillars for state development which can help us to strength the state economy by bringing the excellence in all important avenues and sectors. With a modernised economy and the right policies people of state can have competitive in manufacturing industries, a dynamic service sector, growing knowledge economy, a modernised and value added agricultural sector. We can achieve strong vibrant small and medium enterprises creating stronger jobs for growth. We will put in place an education policy that is both vital to the individual and national development and it will be a solemn priority of young politicians coming to the fold.

We cannot ignore inhumane policies and tactics adopted by government at both centre and state level towards the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir. We have also witnessed that most of the politicians adopting dual personalities across the roles in power and oppositions. They presume that they represent common masses while they are not in power and became followers of barbaric people when they achieved the power. Party leaders make wonderful election promises, but when they get into office they often say they pull the levers of power and nothing happens. Here the political system has been understood in a completely negative sense because of these people in power and their opposition. This has created a huge trust deficit among the people towards the political system, which otherwise is one of the best system to tackle the issues in state.

People of the land need to understand that political system is not bad option to them rather the people (not all of them) who have occupied the space there are. Jammu & Kashmir’s political system needs young, educated and dynamic people to lead the state towards development and prosperity. Jammu & Kashmir is not a normal state like others, so can’t be run by people who don’t have capacity to think out of the box. Young people from education, administration, civil services, independent professionals and entrepreneurship should come forward and take a pledge to work for the people of state and strengthen the political system.

Amood Gulzar 25 year young potential politician, Young entrepreneur and social activist decided to hold upcoming assembly elections from 14, Gulmarg constituency after keeping the above mentioned ideas in consideration. He will be very soon presenting his candidature to the people of his constituency after taking youth in confidence.


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